
Δημοσιεύσεις σε Περιοδικά με Κριτές με Citation Index


1.         D.Antoniadis, D.Mantzavinos and M.Stamatoudis, Effect of chamber volume and diameter on bubble formation at plate orifices, Chemical Engineering Research & Design, 70(2), (1992), 161-165.

2.         D.Mantzavinos, R.Hellenbrand A.G.Livingston and I.S.Metcalfe, Catalytic wet oxidation of p-coumaric acid: partial oxidation intermediates, reaction pathways and catalyst leaching, Applied Catalysis B-Environmental, 7(3-4), (1996), 379-396.

3.         D.Mantzavinos, A.G.Livingston, R.Hellenbrand, and I.S.Metcalfe, Wet air oxidation of polyethylene glycols; mechanisms, intermediates and implications for integrated chemical-biological wastewater treatment, Chemical Engineering Science, 51(18), (1996), 4219-4235.

4.         D.Mantzavinos, R.Hellenbrand, I.S.Metcalfe and A.G.Livingston, Partial wet oxidation of p-coumaric acid: oxidation intermediates, reaction pathways and implications for wastewater treatment, Water Research, 30(12), (1996), 2969-2976.

5.         D.Mantzavinos, R.Hellenbrand, A.G.Livingston and I.S.Metcalfe, Catalytic wet air oxidation of polyethylene glycol, Applied Catalysis B-Environmental, 11(1), (1996), 99-119.

6.         D.Mantzavinos, R.Hellenbrand, A.G.Livingston and I.S.Metcalfe, Kinetics of wet oxidation of p-coumaric acid over a CuO.ZnO-Al2O3 catalyst, Chemical Engineering Research & Design, 75(1), (1997), 87-91.

7.         D.Mantzavinos, R.Hellenbrand, A.G.Livingston and I.S.Metcalfe, Reaction mechanisms and kinetics of chemical pretreatment of bioresistant organic molecules by wet air oxidation, Water Science & Technology, 35(4), (1997), 119-127.

8.         D.Mantzavinos, E.Lauer, R.Hellenbrand, A.G.Livingston and I.S.Metcalfe, Wet oxidation as a pretreatment method for wastewaters contaminated by bioresistant organics, Water Science & Technology, 36(2-3), (1997), 109-116.

9.         E.Otal, D.Mantzavinos, M.V.Delgado, R.Hellenbrand, J.Lebrato, I.S.Metcalfe and A.G.Livingston, Integrated wet air oxidation and biological treatment of polyethylene glycol-containing wastewaters, Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, 70(2), (1997), 147-156.

10.     R.Hellenbrand, D.Mantzavinos, I.S.Metcalfe and A.G.Livingston, Integration of wet oxidation and nanofiltration for treatment of recalcitrant organics in wastewater, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 36(12), (1997), 5054-5062.

11.     D.Mantzavinos, A.I.Bailey and M.W.Rampling, Flash freezing of erythrocyte suspensions, Biorheology, 34(1), (1997), 73-83.

12.     D.Mantzavinos, M.Sahibzada, A.G.Livingston, I.S.Metcalfe and K.Hellgardt, Wastewater treatment: Wet air oxidation as a precursor to biological treatment, Catalysis Today, 53(1), (1999), 93-106.

13.     A.Hartley, M.Sahibzada, M.Weston I.S.Metcalfe and D.Mantzavinos, La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3 as the anode and cathode for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells, Catalysis Today, 55(1-2), (2000), 197-204.

14.     D.Mantzavinos, E.Lauer, M.Sahibzada, A.G.Livingston and I.S.Metcalfe, Assessment of partial treatment of polyethylene glycol wastewaters by wet air oxidation, Water Research, 34(5), (2000), 1620-1628.

15.     D.Mantzavinos, R.Hellenbrand, A.G.Livingston and I.S.Metcalfe, Beneficial application of wet oxidation, membrane separation and biodegradation processes for treatment of polymer processing wastewaters, Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 78(2), (2000), 418-422.

16.     M.Sahibzada, B.C.H.Steele, K.Hellgardt, D.Barth, A.Effendi, D.Mantzavinos and I.S.Metcalfe, Intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells operated with methanol fuels, Chemical Engineering Science, 55(16), (2000), 3077-3083.

17.     D.Mantzavinos, D.M.P.Burrows, R.Willey, G.LoBiundo, S.F.Zhang, A.G.Livingston and I.S.Metcalfe, Wet air oxidation of aqueous solutions of linear alkyl benzene sulfonates, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 39(10), (2000), 3659-3665.

18.     M.Sahibzada, D.Mantzavinos, A.Hartley, W.Morton and I.S.Metcalfe, Solid electrolyte coulometric studies of oxide state and kinetics, Chemical Engineering Research & Design, 78(7), (2000), 965-970.

19.     D.Mantzavinos, A.Hartley, I.S.Metcalfe and M.Sahibzada, Oxygen stoichiometries in La1-xSrxCo1-yFeyO3-d perovskites at reduced oxygen partial pressures, Solid State Ionics, 134(1-2), (2000), 103-109.

20.     A.Hartley, D.Mantzavinos, M.Sahibzada and I.S.Metcalfe, An integrated approach for determining oxygen stoichiometries in oxides, Solid State Ionics, 136-137, (2000), 127-131.

21.     D.Barth, M.Sahibzada, D.Mantzavinos and I.S. Metcalfe, Solid electrolyte sensor for studying the behaviour of a partial oxidation catalyst, Solid State Ionics, 136-137, (2000), 621-627.

22.     M.Sahibzada, W.Morton, A.Hartley, D.Mantzavinos and I.S.Metcalfe, A simple method for the determination of surface exchange and ionic transport kinetics in oxides, Solid State Ionics, 136-137, (2000), 991-996.

23.     D.Mantzavinos, D.M.P.Burrows, R.Willey, G.LoBiundo, S.F.Zhang, A.G.Livingston and I.S.Metcalfe, Chemical treatment of an anionic surfactant wastewater: Electrospray-MS analysis of intermediates and effect on aerobic biodegradability, Water Research, 35(14), (2001), 3337-3344.

24.     L.Oliviero, J.Barbier Jr., D.Duprez, H.Wahyu, J.W.Ponton, I.S.Metcalfe and D.Mantzavinos, Wet air oxidation of aqueous solutions of maleic acid over Ru/CeO2 catalysts, Applied Catalysis B-Environmental, 35(1), (2001), 1-12.

25.     M.Papadaki, V.Stoikou, D.Mantzavinos and J.L. Rodriguez-Miranda, Towards improved reaction runaway studies: Kinetics of the N-oxidation of 2-methylpyridine using heat-flow calorimetry, Process Safety & Environmental Protection, 80(4), (2002), 186-196.

26.     S.P.Scott, D.Mantzavinos, A.Hartley, M.Sahibzada and I.S.Metcalfe, Reactivity of LSCF perovskites, Solid State Ionics, 152-153, (2002), 777-781.

27.     L.Oliviero, H.Wahyu, J.Barbier Jr., D.Duprez, J.W.Ponton, I.S.Metcalfe and D.Mantzavinos, Experimental and predictive approach for determining wet air oxidation reaction pathways in synthetic wastewaters, Chemical Engineering Research & Design, 81(3), (2003), 384-392.

28.     E.Psillakis, A.Ntelekos, D.Mantzavinos, E.Nikolopoulos and N.Kalogerakis, Solid-phase microextraction to monitor the sonochemical degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in water, Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 5(1), (2003), 135-140.

29.     D.Mantzavinos, Removal of cinnamic acid derivatives from aqueous effluents by Fenton and Fenton-like processes as an alternative to direct biological treatment, Water Air & Soil Pollution: Focus, 3(3), (2003), 211-221.

30.     D.Mantzavinos, Removal of benzoic acid derivatives from aqueous effluents by the catalytic decomposition of hydrogen peroxide, Process Safety & Environmental Protection, 81(2), (2003), 99-106.

31.     R.J.Emery, M.Papadaki and D.Mantzavinos, Sonochemical degradation of phenolic pollutants in aqueous solutions, Environmental Technology, 24(12), (2003), 1491-1500.

32.     E.Psillakis, D.Mantzavinos and N.Kalogerakis, Development of a hollow fibre liquid phase microextraction method to monitor the sonochemical degradation of explosives in water, Analytica Chimica Acta, 501(1), (2004), 3-10.

33.     M.Papadaki, R.J.Emery, M.A.Abu-Hassan, A.Díaz-Bustos, I.S.Metcalfe and D.Mantzavinos, Sonocatalytic oxidation processes for the removal of contaminants containing aromatic rings from aqueous effluents, Separation & Purification Technology, 34(1-3), (2004), 35-42.

34.     E.Psillakis, D.Mantzavinos and N.Kalogerakis, Monitoring the sonochemical degradation of phthalate esters in water using solid-phase microextraction, Chemosphere, 54(7), (2004), 849-857.

35.     D.Mantzavinos and E.Psillakis, Enhancement of biodegradability of industrial wastewaters by chemical oxidation pre-treatment, Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, 79(5), (2004), 431-454.

36.     E.Psillakis, G.Goula, N.Kalogerakis and D.Mantzavinos, Degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in aqueous solutions by ultrasonic irradiation, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 108(1-2), (2004), 95-102.

37.     C.Vassilakis, A.Pantidou, E.Psillakis, N.Kalogerakis and D.Mantzavinos, Sonolysis of natural phenolic compounds in aqueous solutions: degradation pathways and biodegradability, Water Research, 38(13), (2004), 3110-3118.

38.     E.Manousaki, E.Psillakis, N.Kalogerakis and D.Mantzavinos, Degradation of sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate in water by ultrasonic irradiation, Water Research, 38(17), (2004), 3751-3759.

39.     R.J.Emery, M.Papadaki, L.M.Freitas dos Santos and D.Mantzavinos, Extent of sonochemical degradation and change of toxicity of a pharmaceutical precursor (triphenylphosphine oxide) in water as a function of treatment conditions, Environment International, 31(2), (2005), 207-211.

40.     D.Atanassova, P.Kefalas, C.Petrakis, D.Mantzavinos, N.Kalogerakis and E.Psillakis, Sonochemical reduction of the antioxidant activity of olive mill wastewater, Environment International, 31(2), (2005), 281-287.

41.     D.Mantzavinos and N.Kalogerakis, Treatment of olive mill effluents. Part I: organic matter degradation by chemical and biological processes – an overview, Environment International, 31(2), (2005), 289-295.

42.     R.Sarika, N.Kalogerakis and D.Mantzavinos, Treatment of olive mill effluents. Part II: complete removal of solids by direct flocculation with poly-electrolytes, Environment International, 31(2), (2005), 297-304.

43.     M.A.Abu-Hassan, D.Mantzavinos and I.S.Metcalfe, Wet air oxidation and ultrasound for the removal of linear alkylbenzene sulfonates from wastewater: the beneficial role of catalysis, Topics in Catalysis, 33(1-4), (2005), 141-148.

44.     M.Charalabaki, E.Psillakis, D.Mantzavinos and N.Kalogerakis, Analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in wastewater treatment plant effluent using hollow fibre liquid-phase microextraction, Chemosphere, 60(5), (2005), 690-698.

45.     M.Gotsi, N.Kalogerakis, E.Psillakis, P.Samaras and D.Mantzavinos, Electrochemical oxidation of olive oil mill wastewaters, Water Research, 39(17), (2005), 4177-4187.

46.     T.Velegraki, I.Poulios, M.Charalabaki, N.Kalogerakis, P.Samaras and D.Mantzavinos, Photocatalytic and sonolytic oxidation of acid orange 7 in aqueous solution, Applied Catalysis B-Environmental, 62(1-2), (2006), 159-168.

47.     M.A.Abu-Hassan, J.K. Kim, I.S.Metcalfe and D.Mantzavinos, Kinetics of low frequency sonodegradation of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate solutions, Chemosphere, 62(5), (2006), 749-755.

48.     T.Manios, G.Moraitaki and D.Mantzavinos, Survival of total coliforms in lawn irrigated with secondary wastewater and chlorinated effluent in the Mediterranean region, Water Environment Research, 78(3), (2006), 330-335.

49.     P.A.Pekakis, N.P.Xekoukoulotakis and D.Mantzavinos, Treatment of textile dyehouse wastewater by TiO2 photocatalysis, Water Research, 40(6), (2006), 1276-1286.

50.     A.Ginos, T.Manios and D.Mantzavinos, Treatment of olive mill effluents by coagulation-flocculation-hydrogen peroxide oxidation and effect on phytotoxicity, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 133(1-3), (2006), 135-142.

51.     D.R.Stapleton, R.J.Emery, D.Mantzavinos and M.Papadaki, Photolytic destruction of halogenated pyridines in wastewaters, Process Safety & Environmental Protection, 84(4), (2006), 313-316.

52.     P.Karageorgos, A.Coz, M.Charalabaki, N.Kalogerakis, N.P.Xekoukoulotakis and D.Mantzavinos, Ozonation of weathered olive mill wastewaters, Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, 81(9), (2006), 1570-1576.

53.     E.Kouroutzidou, I.Georgaki, D.Mantzavinos and T.Manios, Anaerobic biodegradability of gallic acid found in olive mill wastewaters, Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, 81(9), (2006), 1594-1599.

54.     D.R.Stapleton, R.J.Emery, C.Smith, C.Pochet, A.Fernandez-Dominguez, D.Mantzavinos and M. Papadaki, Degradation of 2-chloropyridine in water by ultraviolet and ultrasound irradiation, International Journal of Environment & Pollution, 28(1-2), 2006, 87-99.

55.     E.Chatzisymeon, N.P.Xekoukoulotakis, A.Coz, N.Kalogerakis and D.Mantzavinos, Electrochemical treatment of textile dyes and dyehouse effluents, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 137(2), (2006), 998-1007.

56.     A.Coz, D.Mantzavinos, P.Karageorgos, N.Kalogerakis, A.Andres, J.R.Viguri and A.Irabien, Influence of the organic compounds on the ecotoxicity in the treatment of foundry sludge and olive mill waste, Annali di Chimica, 96(9-10), (2006), 505-514.

57.     T.Papadam, N.P.Xekoukoulotakis, I.Poulios and D.Mantzavinos, Photocatalytic transformation of acid orange 20 and Cr(VI) in aqueous TiO2 suspensions, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A-Chemistry, 186(2-3), (2007), 308-315.

58.     A.M.T.Silva, E.Nouli, N.P.Xekoukoulotakis and D.Mantzavinos, Effect of key operating parameters on phenols degradation during H2O2-assisted TiO2 photocatalytic treatment of simulated and actual olive mill wastewaters, Applied Catalysis B-Environmental, 73(1-2), (2007), 11-22.

59.     C.Berberidou, I.Poulios, N.P.Xekoukoulotakis and D.Mantzavinos, Sonolytic, photocatalytic and sonophotocatalytic degradation of malachite green in aqueous solutions, Applied Catalysis B-Environmental, 74(1-2), (2007), 63-72.

60.     D.E.Kritikos, N.P.Xekoukoulotakis, E.Psillakis and D.Mantzavinos, Photocatalytic degradation of reactive black 5 in aqueous solutions: Effect of operating conditions and coupling with ultrasound, Water Research, 41(10), (2007), 2236-2246.

61.     E.Kotta, N.Kalogerakis and D.Mantzavinos, The effect of solids on the electrochemical treatment of olive mill effluents, Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, 82(5), (2007), 504-511.

62.     A.M.T.Silva, E.Nouli, A.C.Carmo-Apolinario, N.P.Xekoukoulotakis and D.Mantzavinos, Sonophotocatalytic/H2O2 degradation of phenolic compounds in agro-industrial effluents, Catalysis Today, 124(3-4), (2007), 232-239.

63.     C.Fotiadis, N.P.Xekoukoulotakis and D.Mantzavinos, Photocatalytic treatment of wastewater from cottonseed processing: effect of operating conditions, aerobic biodegradability and ecotoxicity, Catalysis Today, 124(3-4), (2007), 247-253.

64.     Z.Frontistis, M.Papadaki and D.Mantzavinos, Modelling of sonochemical processes in water treatment, Water Science & Technology, 55(12), (2007), 47-52.

65.     A.Antoniadis, I.Poulios, E.Nikolakaki and D.Mantzavinos, Sonochemical disinfection of municipal wastewater, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 146(3), (2007), 492-495.

66.     D.R. Stapleton, D.Mantzavinos and M.Papadaki, Photolytic (UVC) and photocatalyic (UVC/TiO2) decomposition of pyridines, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 146(3), (2007), 640-645.

67.     A.Paleologou, H.Marakas, N.P.Xekoukoulotakis, A.Moya, Y.Vergara, N.Kalogerakis, P.Gikas and D.Mantzavinos, Disinfection of water and wastewater by TiO2 photocatalysis, sonolysis and UV-C irradiation, Catalysis Today, 129(1-2), (2007), 136-142.

68.     A.Coz, O.Rodriguez-Obeso, R.Alonso-Santurde, A.Andres, J.R.Viguri, D.Mantzavinos and N.Kalogerakis, Toxicity bioassays in core sediments from the bay of Santander, Environmental Research, 106(3), (2008), 304-312.

69.     T.Velegraki and D.Mantzavinos, Conversion of benzoic acid during TiO2-mediated photocatalytic degradation in water, Chemical Engineering Journal, 140(1-3), (2008), 15-21.

70.     A.Deligiorgis, N.P.Xekoukoulotakis, E.Diamadopoulos and D.Mantzavinos, Electrochemical oxidation of table olive processing wastewater over boron-doped diamond electrodes: treatment optimization by factorial design, Water Research, 42(4-5), (2008), 1229-1237.

71.     C.Comninellis, A.Kapalka, S.Malato, S.A.Parsons, I.Poulios and D.Mantzavinos, Advanced oxidation processes for water treatment: Advances and trends for R&D, Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, 83(6), (2008), 769-776.

72.     E.Chatzisymeon, E.Stypas, S.Bousios, N.P.Xekoukoulotakis and D.Mantzavinos, Photocatalytic treatment of black table olive-processing wastewater, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 154(1-3), (2008), 1090-1097.

73.     L.Sanchez-Prado, R.Barro, C.Garcia-Jares, M.Llompart, M.Lores, C.Petrakis, N.Kalogerakis, D.Mantzavinos and E.Psillakis, Sonochemical degradation of triclosan in water and wastewater, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 15(5), (2008), 689-694.

74.     M.Mavros, N.P.Xekoukoulotakis, D.Mantzavinos and E.Diamadopoulos, Complete treatment of olive pomace leachate by coagulation, activated carbon adsorption and electrochemical oxidation, Water Research, 42(12), (2008), 2883-2888.

75.     D.Kassinos, M.Constantinou, N.Varnava, A.Papadopoulos, S.Vlachos and D.Mantzavinos, Oxidation of pesticides in water by Fenton and photo-Fenton reactions, Journal of Advanced Oxidation Technologies, 11(2), (2008), 246-253.

76.     Z.Frontistis, N.P.Xekoukoulotakis, E.Diamadopoulos and D.Mantzavinos, Ozonation of landfill leachates: Treatment optimization by factorial design, Journal of Advanced Oxidation Technologies, 11(2), (2008), 370-376.

77.     A.Katsoni, Z.Frontistis, N.P.Xekoukoulotakis, E.Diamadopoulos and D.Mantzavinos, Wet air oxidation of table olive processing wastewater: Determination of key operating parameters by factorial design, Water Research, 42(14), (2008), 3591-3600.

78.     E.Dialynas, D.Mantzavinos and E.Diamadopoulos, Advanced treatment of the reverse osmosis concentrate produced during reclamation of municipal wastewater, Water Research, 42(18), 2008, 4603-4608.

79.     M.Monou, N.Pafitis, N.Kythreotou, S.R.Smith, D.Mantzavinos and D.Kassinos, Anaerobic co-digestion of potato processing wastewater with pig slurry and abattoir wastewater, Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, 83(12), (2008), 1658-1663.

80.     M.I.Pariente, F.Martinez, J.A.Melero, J.A.Botas, T.Velegraki, N.P.Xekoukoulotakis and D.Mantzavinos, Heterogeneous photo-Fenton oxidation of benzoic acid in water: effect of operating conditions, reaction by-products and coupling with biological treatment, Applied Catalysis B - Environmental, 85(1-2), (2008), 24-32.

81.     V.Kitsiou, N.Filippidis, D.Mantzavinos and I.Poulios, Heterogeneous and homogeneous photocatalytic degradation of the insecticide imidacloprid in aqueous solutions, Applied Catalysis B - Environmental, 86(1-2), (2009), 27-35.

82.     M.Klavarioti, D.Mantzavinos and D.Kassinos, Removal of residual pharmaceuticals from aqueous systems by advanced oxidation processes, Environment International, 35(2), (2009), 402-417.

83.     A.Zapata, T.Velegraki, J.A.Sanchez-Perez, D.Mantzavinos, M.I.Maldonado and S.Malato, Solar photo-Fenton treatment of pesticides in water: Effect of iron concentration on degradation and assessment of ecotoxicity and biodegradability, Applied Catalysis B - Environmental, 88(3-4), (2009), 448-454.

84.     S.Drakopoulou, S.Terzakis, M.S.Fountoulakis, D.Mantzavinos and T.Manios, Ultrasound-induced inactivation of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria in secondary treated municipal wastewater, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 16(5), (2009), 629-634.

85.     E.Chatzisymeon, A.Dimou, D.Mantzavinos and A.Katsaounis, Electrochemical oxidation of model compounds and olive mill wastewater over DSA electrodes 1. The case of Ti/IrO2 anode, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 167(1-3), (2009), 268-274.

86.     E.Chatzisymeon, N.P.Xekoukoulotakis and D.Mantzavinos, Determination of key operating conditions for the photocatalytic treatment of olive mill wastewaters, Catalysis Today, 144(1-2), (2009), 143-148.

87.     F.Federici, F.Fava, N.Kalogerakis and D.Mantzavinos, Valorisation of agro-industrial by-products, effluents and waste: concept, opportunities and the case of olive mill wastewaters, Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, 84(6), (2009), 895-900.

88.     C.Mavronikola, M.Demetriou, E.Hapeshi, D.Partassides, C.Michael, D.Mantzavinos and D.Kassinos, Mineralisation of the antibiotic amoxicillin in pure and surface waters by artificial UVA- and sunlight-induced Fenton oxidation, Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, 84(8), (2009), 1211-1217.

89.     E.Chatzisymeon, N.P.Xekoukoulotakis, E.Diamadopoulos, A.Katsaounis and D.Mantzavinos, Boron-doped diamond anodic treatment of olive mill wastewaters: Statistical analysis, kinetic modeling and biodegradability, Water Research, 43(16), (2009), 3999-4009.

90.     E.S.Tsimas, K.Tyrovola, N.P.Xekoukoulotakis, N.P.Nikolaidis, E.Diamadopoulos and D.Mantzavinos, Simultaneous photocatalytic oxidation of As(III) and humic acid in TiO2 suspensions, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 169(1-3), (2009), 376-385.

91.     S.Fierro, E.Passas-Lagos, E.Chatzisymeon, D.Mantzavinos and C.Comninellis, Pseudo-potentiostatic electrolysis by potential buffering induced by the oxygen evolution reaction, Electrochemistry Communications, 11(7), (2009), 1358-1361.

92.     E.Chatzisymeon, E.Diamadopoulos and D.Mantzavinos, Effect of key operating parameters on the non-catalytic wet oxidation of olive mill wastewaters, Water Science & Technology, 59(12), (2009), 2509-2518.

93.     N.Anastasiou, M.Monou, D.Mantzavinos and D.Kassinos, Monitoring of the quality of winery influents/effluents and polishing of partially treated winery flows by homogeneous Fe(II) photo-oxidation, Desalination, 248(1-3), (2009), 836-842.

94.     M.Melemeni, D.Stamatakis, N.P.Xekoukoulotakis, D.Mantzavinos and N.Kalogerakis, Disinfection of municipal wastewater by TiO2 photocatalysis with UV-A, visible and solar irradiation and BDD electrolysis, Global Nest Journal, 11(3), (2009), 357-363.

95.     A. Kapalka, S. Fierro, Z Frontistis, A Katsaounis, O Frey, M Koudelka, Ch Comninellis, and K M Udert. Electrochemical behaviour of ammonia (NH4+/NH3) on electrochemically grown anodic iridium oxide film (AIROF) electrode
Electrochemistry Communication (11),(200) 1590-1592

96.     V.Naddeo, V.Belgiorno, D.Kassinos, D.Mantzavinos and S.Meric, Ultrasonic degradation, mineralization and detoxification of diclofenac in water: Optimization of operating parameters, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 17(1), (2010), 179-185.

97.     N.Lydakis-Simantiris, D.Riga, E.Katsivela, D.Mantzavinos and N.P.Xekoukoulotakis, Disinfection of spring water and secondary treated municipal wastewater by TiO2 photocatalysis, Desalination, in press

98.     C.Papastavrou, D.Mantzavinos and E.Diamadopoulos, A comparative treatment of stabilized landfill leachate: coagulation/activated carbon adsorption vs electrochemical oxidation, Environmental Technology, accepted

99.    E.Diamadopoulos, H.Barndõk, N.P.Xekoukoulotakis and D.Mantzavinos, Treatment of ink effluents from flexographic printing by lime precipitation and BDD electrochemical oxidation, Water Science & Technology, accepted